I have learned...

0235187 was preliminary dose of the learning but 0073151 was fatal one. Learning may help to burst many prejudices but it also gives you insight which contradicts many well accepted things in society and also in science. 

Most of teachers taught students that, one should have inside flame to achieve something. But no teacher other than experience can teach you that: Flame may take form of fire and it can burn you. In addition, I learned that, Flame become fire in most of cases and you have to learn to live with fire.

I learned that How it hard to teach a mother. Mother can make us understand anything easily but it’s quite impossible to make mummy understand. Some famous person said: - “If you cannot digest failure , You should not qualify to participate”. It’s nearly impossible to make understand mummy about this cruel reality.

In popular belief it considered that Launch of the Rocket in space need highest energy. Energy considered as constant with time but I learned that it variable with time. Some time it’s quite easy to pick up pen or paper but sometime it need more energy to pick up pen or pick up paper than to launch Space mission in space. Many time you may feel that the Sun is quite near to earth than the Reading table from your bed.

I write not because I learned. I write because I don’t drink alcohol. I write because I cannot listen music on high sound. I write because books are many friend and they cannot listen !
